
Peer Reviewed Research. Published in Frontiers. Cooperation with the DLR - Institute of Space Systems

View the Project on GitHub Sven-J-Steinert/10.3389-frspt.2024.1352213

Location-dependent flight cost difference from the lunar surface to an orbital fuel depot and its influence on in situ resource utilisation location selection

Frontiers in Space Technologies
Space Exploration Volume 5 - 2024
doi: 10.3389/frspt.2024.1352213

Sven Julius Steinert, Paul Zabel, Dominik Quantius

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With increasing relevance for lunar activities, the location selection for in situ resource utilization (ISRU) facilities is a necessary step to identify the most suitable configuration during mission planning. To raise information about the dominant location dependencies, a scenario was set up where an ISRU product is exported to an orbital depot and mass costs are used for classification.In the selected scenario, Oxygen is produced by an Ilmenite reduction plant and subsequently exported to the Lunar Gateway via an Oxygen-Hydrogen fueled launcher running in a round-trip, refueling Oxygen at the lunar surface and Hydrogen at the Lunar Gateway. It showed that the variations in transport costs can be either entirely avoided or have a recessive influence on the mission’s total costs over an extended amount of time, such as 20 years. The identification of the top 10 most optimal locations for various resolutions were only slightly altered under consideration of flight costs compared to only considering the ISRU factors, which concludes the insignificance of flight cost dependencies for the analysed case.

Created Resources

| Resource (Lat. -180..180) | Unit | Resolution | Format | Value Divider | | ——– | :—: | :—: | ——– | :—: | | WAC_TIO2_COMBINED | wt% |27360 x 10640 | .png | 22 | | WAC_TIO2_GLOBAL | wt% | 27360 x 13680 | .png | 22 | | dv_map_NRHO | m/s | 18 x 9 | .nc | | | | ISRU_COST_GLOBAL | kg | 27360 x 13680 | .png | 2.4066300450141145 | | spent_fuel_NRHO_1_5 | kg/kg | 18 x 9 | .nc | | | | spent_fuel_NRHO_2_0 | kg/kg | 18 x 9 | .nc | | |

Load Bitmap (.png)

from PIL import Image
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1000000000
data = np.array(Image.open("maps/WAC_TIO2_GLOBAL.png")) / divider

Load X-Array (.nc)

import xarray as xr
xA = xr.open_dataarray("maps/dv_map_NRHO.nc") # xArray with metadata
data = xA.data

TL;DR Runthrough

A global Ilmenite map was created.

Ilmenite Map

Mass costs for an ISRU Oxygen factory are computed.

ISRU Cost Map

Delta v requirements from the lunar surface to the orbital fuel depot are derived from a previous work.

dv processing

A global delta v map was derived.

dv Map

The combined cost map was established, showing the results over mission duration.

Joined Cost Map

The two influences, ISRU and transport are compared on their relevance for location selection.


Transport costs have a marginal influence in the location selection in this case.